My Dad will be 90 next week, so I thought he should have a beautiful quilt for his bed! When I was young, we would go sailing all afternoon on Lake Charlevoix, in the 16' Windmill that he built himself. I loved being out on the water, and he taught me a lot. My Dad has always been there for me, and he will always have a special place in my heart :)

Here it is, on my Statler Stitcher. I used Quilters Dream wool batting so the quilt will be light, warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
I quilted a nautical design that has sailboats, anchors, ships wheels, and waves.

The quilt pattern is called "Take 5", a random arrangement of 8 nautical fabrics from a line called "Gone Sailing". I cut it out using my Accuquilt Studio. I think he will like it :)